Sending files

Studio's instant sharing feature can quickly share multiple files at once via e-mail even those who do not have user account in Studio.

Instant File sharing

Select the files in browsing views, and then press envelope -icon. Fill out the recipient, language and message.

Multiple files can be selected either by dragging the studio (like n the figure), the shift or ctrl key down and using Studio's special selection mode (Select many -button). Selectable files may be located in different folders, that is, the choices remain active, even if the folder swapped between.

Files are not send to email as a attachment. Studio creates unique links, which files may be downloaded individually or all at once ZIP package. Thus the recipient's e-mail is not met the large files, or the consignee attachments size restrictions that prevent recipients from getting files. Shared files are available one week by default, but the period of validity can be changed.

Contact support

Crasman customer support

Tel. +358 10 217 6984

Support services

Our customer support helps you with all aspects of maintaining your Stage website or Studio file bank.

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